Beauty, skill, and a rather healthy sexual appetite, three characteristics that can make an entire room of men so uncomfortable you could probably see the awkwardness in the air. Fortunately, Megan Fox possesses all three of these and then tops it all off with the amazing bod every woman would die for. Lately she's been given a lot of negativity in the press because how she presents herself. In a recent issue of Rolling Stone Magazine, Fox portrays herself as being prone to angrily flipping out. Her attitude hasn't exactly proved any better after three crew members working with her on the Transformers movies wrote a nasty letter calling Fox a "graceless, classless, and unfriendly bitch." Not only that, but the crew also slipped in the actress was "dumb-as-a-rock."
Another attack has sprung out about Fox's distorted thumb. It's odd; it's disproportionate; and quite honestly, it's uncomfortable to look at. TMZ has done a great job pointing out this abnormality, but can anyone blame them? Just today, E! news released an interview with the actress while she was promoting her new man-eating movie, Jennifer's Body, where Fox looks so not into it. The entire time she's looking away and fidgeting. A couple of times she even contradicts herself in other comments she's made to several media sources. She even ventures to insult reporter Ashlan Gorse after her comment on women's power over men. The entire time Fox looks completely uninterested and unamused. At this point it really becomes difficult to understand why someone who has chosen a career in the public eye could really be THIS bothered by the attention. Come on Megan- people are attacking you because you've become an easy target.
"Look; she's so uneasy about everything, perfectly vulnerable. Let's call her out." People may be waiting anxiously for the release of her new film, but these people are most likely teenage boys and young girls who think this movie might actually be interesting. After all, Megan Fox does play a man slaughtering temptress. Just FYI, Fox also stated in her interview that she was surprised by the turn out for the promotion. Even she has little hope for her movie. Just goes to show she really isn't as ambitious as some would care to think.
Have some faith Megan Fox, at least we liked you in Transformers.
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