It's not surprising the two lead actors in Twilight share some passionate on-screen moments together; and by now, the world knows about the off-screen relationship that has teen girls crying in their pillows. A recent issue of OK! Magazine featured the headline, bright, yellow, and all-capped, "Rob & Kristen ENGAGED!" Clever, but so false. OK! really knows how to grab readers' attention. It's okay teeny-boppers, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are far from marriage, it's only their cute references to each other than can confuse people. The two reportedly speak of each other as husband and wife. Really, it's rather quite cute though; acting like head-over-heels in love teenagers isn't immature at all.
In all reality, while the two might be average actors, only slightly resembling the true romance of Stephanie Meyers' novels, Rob and Kristen have gone way too far in mixing work with play. Rob has stated before that Kristen is one of the best actresses of this time; one of the reasons he signed on to play the role of Edward Cullen in the series of movies. Unfortunately, we can't help but to think that Rob is a little more than biased in his opinion. No one can truly say that the first movie, Twilight, was dead on. Anticipating one of the best movies of all time, from a teen girls perspective of course, viewers were or should have been disappointed with the poor acting, awkward scenes, and blatantly missing story line. If you hadn't read the books and weren't able to fill in all of the holes with a better story, then you REALLY got suckered.
So here is the question: What can we expect from the lovey-dovey couple in the next installment? It's a wonder whether the relationship the two has can create a better love story, or just be as awkward as the last. There's a slim chance that this movie will out-suck the last -thank you Taylor Lautner for making this film much, much better- but no one should expect too much from it. Of course, it wouldn't be too risky to expect a better film from Chris Weitz, director of New Moon, compared to Catherine Hardwicke, director of Twilight. If anything, we can all look forward to good CGis and transformations. Amazing werewolf scenes should be expected as seen from the trailers, so maybe that alone will make up for poor acting.
In the end, if Rob and Kristen ruin this movie, as they did the last, then there will be enough reason to abandon the Twilight saga as a whole. There's really nothing much left to do, but hope for the best and watch the film in November, if not for the story, then for the sake Lautner's new physique.
image by by twilight foxdie flickr creative commons
You know when you're watching tv and there's a stupid show on, but you can't help but watch it anyway cause you're either too lazy to change the channel or there's nothing else on? I hope New Moon isn't that for me. Good article, kept me reading till the very end.